A Backbone view that renders a fully accessible dropdown menu.
Initialize the view by passing in the following attributes:
view = new DropdownMenuView({
className: 'space separated string of classes for element',
model: new Backbone.Model({
main: {
image: 'http://placehold.it/40x40',
screenreader_label: 'Dashboard for: ',
text: 'username',
url: 'dashboard'
button: {
icon: 'icon-angle-down',
label: 'User options dropdown'
items: [
text: 'Account',
url: 'account_settings'
}, {
text: 'Sign Out',
url: 'logout'
parent: 'selector for parent element that will be replaced with dropdown menu',
Function to track analytics.
By default it doesn’t do anything, to utilize please extend the View and implement a method such as the following:
var $link = $(event.target),
label = $link.hasClass('menu-title') ? 'Dashboard' : $link.html().trim();
window.analytics.track('user_dropdown.clicked', {
category: 'navigation',
label: label,
link: $link.attr('href')
event: object
, The event to be tracked.
Returns: *
, The event.